Assignemnt #56


/// Name: Justin Li
/// Period 7
/// Program Name: cookie
/// File Name:
/// Date Finished: 12/2/15

import java.util.Random;

class cookie
	public static void main ( String[] args )
		Random r = new Random();

		int cook = 1 + r.nextInt(6);
        String cookie;

		if ( cook == 1 )
			cookie = "It is much easier to look for the bad, than it is to find the good.";
            System.out.println( "Fortune cookie says: " + cookie );
		else if ( cook == 2 )
			cookie = "The cure for grief is movement.";
            System.out.println( "Fortune cookie says: " + cookie );
        else if ( cook == 3 )
			cookie = "Find a peaceful place where you can make plans for the future.";
            System.out.println( "Fortune cookie says: " + cookie );
        else if ( cook == 4 )
			cookie = "Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds.";
            System.out.println( "Fortune cookie says: " + cookie );
        else if ( cook == 5 )
			cookie = "To courageously shoulder the responsibility of one's mistake is character.";
            System.out.println( "Fortune cookie says: " + cookie );
        else if ( cook == 6 )
			cookie = "Let your imagination wander.";
            System.out.println( "Fortune cookie says: " + cookie );
        System.out.println("\n" + (1 + r.nextInt(54)) + " - " + (1 + r.nextInt(54)) + " - " + (1 + r.nextInt(54)) + " - " + (1 + r.nextInt(54)) + " - " + (1 + r.nextInt(54)) + " - " + (1 + r.nextInt(54)));

Picture of the output

Assignment 1