Assignemnt #91
/// Name: Justin Li /// Period: 7 /// Program Name: FlickerPhrase /// File Name: /// Date Completed: 2/19/16 import java.util.Random; public class FlickerPhrase { public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception { Random rng = new Random(); int r; for ( int i=0; i<100000; i++ ) { r = 1 + rng.nextInt(5); if (r == 1) first(); else if (r == 2) second(); else if (r == 3) third(); else if (r == 4) fourth(); else if (r == 5) fifth(); } System.out.println("I pledge allegiance to the flag."); Thread.sleep(5); } public static void first() { System.out.print("I \r"); } public static void second() { System.out.print(" pledge \r"); } public static void third() { System.out.print(" allegiance \r"); } public static void fourth() { System.out.print(" to the \r"); } public static void fifth() { System.out.print(" flag.\r"); } }