/// Name: Justin Li /// Period: 7 /// Program Name: Nim /// File Name: /// Date Completed: 2/14/16 import java.util.Scanner; public class Nim { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; String a1, a2, ac; int p1, p2, p3, pc, n; n = 0; p1 = 3; p2 = 4; p3 = 5; System.out.print("Player 1, enter your first name: "); a1 =; System.out.print("Player 2, enter your first name: "); a2 =; System.out.println("\n\nA: " + p1 + " B: " + p2 + " C: " + p3); while (p1 + p2 + p3 != 0) { if (n % 2 == 0) { System.out.print("\n" + a1 + ", choose a pile: "); ac =; if (!ac.equals("A") && !ac.equals("B") && !ac.equals("C")) { System.out.println("You didn't choose one of the three piles. Try again."); n--; } else { System.out.print("How many to remove from pile " + ac + ": "); pc = keyboard.nextInt(); if (ac.equals("A")) { p1 = p1 - pc; if (p1 < 0 || pc <= 0) { System.out.println("You are trying to cheat, try again."); p1 = p1 + pc; n--; } } else if (ac.equals("B")) { p2 = p2 - pc; if (p2 < 0 || pc <= 0) { System.out.println("You are trying to cheat, try again."); p2 = p2 + pc; n--; } } else if (ac.equals("C")) { p3 = p3 - pc; if (p3 < 0 || pc <= 0) { System.out.println("You are trying to cheat, try again."); p3 = p3 + pc; n--; } } } n++; } else if (n % 2 == 1) { System.out.print("\n" + a2 + ", choose a pile: "); ac =; if (!ac.equals("A") && !ac.equals("B") && !ac.equals("C")) { System.out.println("You didn't choose one of the three piles. Try again."); n--; } else { System.out.print("How many to remove from pile " + ac + ": "); pc = keyboard.nextInt(); if (ac.equals("A")) { p1 = p1 - pc; if (p1 < 0 || pc <= 0) { System.out.println("Try Again!"); p1 = p1 + pc; n--; } } else if (ac.equals("B")) { p2 = p2 - pc; if (p2 < 0 || pc <= 0) { System.out.println("Try Again!"); p2 = p2 + pc; n--; } } else if (ac.equals("C")) { p3 = p3 - pc; if (p3 < 0 || pc <= 0) { System.out.println("Try Again!"); p3 = p3 + pc; n--; } } } n++; } System.out.println("\nA: " + p1 + " B: " + p2 + " C: " + p3); } if (n % 2 == 0) System.out.println("\n" + a1 + " wins!"); else if (n % 2 == 1) System.out.println("\n" + a2 + " wins!"); } }